Donations and Sponsorships
Here are some ways you can give back to the community:
Friends of the Claremont Senior Foundation
Friends of the Claremont Senior Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization intended to support the ever-increasing senior population and enhance the City's senior programs and facilities. Through donations, Friends can expand the services offered and make necessary enhancements to programs and physical facilities.
Community Emergency Fund
This City program is funded entirely from community donations that are used to help Claremont residents in their time of need with emergency housing and utility needs.
When making a donation, specify which fund you would like your contribution to go to:
- Senior Emergency Fund (55+)
- Family Emergency Fund
Please make checks payable to: City of Claremont
Mail or Deliver to:
Claremont Senior Program
660 N. Mountain Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711
Sponsorship Opportunities
The City's Senior Program would not be able to do what it does without the generous partnerships it has built within the community. Sponsorship can be in-kind services, collaboration, and/or monetary contributions. If you would like to partner with the Claremont Senior Program, please call (909) 399-5488 for more information.