Building Permits and Plan Checks

Before submitting a Building Permit application, check with the Planning and Engineering divisions to determine if other permits or approvals are required for your project.

Permits are required when constructing, remodeling or enlarging a building or structure. Permits are also required for other improvements to your property. The City's permitting process is described below:


Plan Check

All projects with plan sets need to be submitted electronically to along with the permit worksheet and all other supporting documents. Any permits without plans will still be processed over the counter. 

City Hall - Hours for permit issuance/plan check:
M-Th, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

To ensure that plans comply with State and local Building Codes, a detailed review of the construction drawings submitted by an applicant is conducted prior to the issuance of a building permit.

Permit Issuance

Permit is issued.