In This Section
The table below is basic information regarding locations city-wide that are included in the City's list of investigations. This list was generated from receipt of Citizen Contacts and a request to investigate particular locations for various concerns. This table does not provide an in-depth description of all aspects for each location, as certain types of analysis can include multiple types of studies. Speed Enforcement requests are directed to the Claremont Police Department (CPD) to be scheduled for selective enforcement. Engineering staff will work with CPD to determine next steps for these locations.
All other locations will or have received some degree of investigation regarding the type of analysis noted. All recommendations received from the City's Traffic Engineering consultant will be reviewed and prioritized by engineering staff according to available capital improvement funds approved by City Council with respect to current budget cycles.
As recommendations are prioritized and funds are appropriated for construction, this list will be updated. Please contact Associate Engineer, Vincent Ramos in the Engineering Division with questions or concerns regarding provided map, or the list of investigations shown below.
Vince Ramos
Associate Engineer
(909) 399-5395