City Logo History

The City of Claremont City Council adopted an official City seal on October 9, 1973. The seal was designed by Claremont resident Adele Schoene. The design was submitted as part of a community-wide design contest. Mrs. Schoene received $25 for her winning entry.

The following is a description of the design in the words of Adele Schoene:

"There are a number of buildings in Claremont that are of real historical significance. Sumner Hall of Pomona College and the old railroad station. There are the Claremont Colleges with Bridges Auditorium. Also, within Claremont, is Pilgrim Place, a unique community within which is Porter and Decker Halls.

Claremont has lovely residential areas.

The one form that is repeated over and over again in the architecture of all these places is the arch.

The old high school auditorium has arches as well.

This arch form outlines the seal. The other part of the seal is the tree. Claremont is known for its beautiful trees. (One of these trees is on the corner of Mountain Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, which I used as the basis for the design to symbolize all of the Claremont trees.)

The tree also symbolizes life and growth."