Citywide Street and Traffic Sign Inventory and Condition Assessment

Published on December 04, 2024


In July 2024, the City Council awarded a contract to TJKM Transportation Consultants for the development of a Citywide Street Sign Program. The project includes a street sign inventory, assessment, and development of a replacement program. As part of the inventory and assessment, location, sign description, photo documentation, GPS coordinates, and sign condition will be documented and a sign replacement program will be developed. The data collection began in September 2024.  Surveying will be done in two parts. During the day, sign attributes will be collected. During the night, retro-reflectivity will be measured. Part of the data collection is a photo of each sign. TJKM will not take photos of private properties or residents. Most of the data collection will be done by foot and is not expected to cause delays to traffic or any noise disturbances. For additional information, please contact Community Services at (909) 399-5431.