Cultural Resource Preservation

Design Guidelines & Historic Preservation Ordinance Background

Four years ago, the City created a committee to review and provide recommendations on Citywide Design Guidelines. The guidelines detail each of the City's 30 unique neighborhoods and provide design guidelines to retain each neighborhoods signature aesthetic. The Preservation Ordinance sets forth rules and restrictions to ensure the continued preservation of the City's historic homes and neighborhoods.

The City’s Ad-Hoc Committee on Citywide Design Guidelines and Historic Preservation Issues has completed their assigned work task. The resulting documents created by this talented committee consists of draft Architectural Design Guidelines and a Historic Preservation Ordinance. Congratulations to the Committee that has worked for nearly four years to complete this monumental task. The California State Historic Preservation Office provided high praise and compliments to the draft Ordinance which they graciously reviewed.

Property owners, homeowners, preservationists, realtors, investors, architects and designers will find these two documents to be immensely valuable when considering specific improvement projects or new development projects within any Claremont neighborhood.  

Past Meetings:


City Council Public Hearing - March 26, 2024 

The City Council conducted a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Claremont Municipal Code that will rename the Architectural Commission to the Architectural and Preservation Commission and modify its duties; modify design review criteria and design review procedures, and add a new chapter titled “Cultural Resource Preservation (collectively referred to as the “Preservation Ordinance”). The Preservation Ordinance would apply Citywide to all properties, structures, landscapes, and sites that are listed on the local, state, or National Register for historic or cultural resources, or those that qualify to be designated as Cultural Resources.  It also codifies procedures for designating properties to the City’s local historic register; as well as establish procedures for reviewing actions to alter, relocate, demolish, or otherwise impact historic and cultural resources in the City. The City Council hearing was held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the City Council Chamber, located at 225 West Second Street.  

CC Cultural Resource Preservation Ordinance Hearing Notice(PDF, 114KB)

Cultural Preservation Ordinance Staff Report(PDF, 20MB)


Planning Commission Public Hearing - March 5, 2024

A new Preservation Ordinance was considered by City Commissions and the City Council starting this month.  The proposed Preservation Ordinance would apply to all properties, structures, landscapes and sites that are listed on the local, state, or National register for historic or cultural resources or those that qualify to be designated/listed as Cultural Resources. The Ordinance codifies procedures for designating properties to the City’s local historic register as well as establishes procedures for reviewing actions to alter, relocate, demolish or otherwise impact historic and cultural resources in the City.

The ordinance was drafted by a committee of volunteers that included two City Councilmembers, two Planning Commissioners, Two Architectural Commissioners, and two members of the public. The Planning Commission held the first public hearing on the Preservation Ordinance on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 225 Second Street and may also be viewed live via Zoom.

Planning Commission Staff Report - March 5, 2024(PDF, 1MB)


Architectural Commission Public Hearing - February 14, 2024

Public Notice of February 14, 2024 Meeting(PDF, 136KB)


Ad-Hoc Committee on Citywide Design Guidelines and Historic Preservation Issues

Past and current Committee members consisted of the following Claremont Councilmembers, Commissioners, Heritage appointees and resident at large:

 John Neiuber

Jed Leano

Jennifer Stark

Leigh Anne Jones

Mark Schoeman

Ginger Elliott

Mary Stoddard

Catherine Curtis

Rick Rosenbluth

Robert Perry

Brian Worley