Planning Permits
A listing of commonly requested permits, applications, and forms of the Planning Division is provided below.
Permit Applications and Forms
Accessory Dwelling Unit Permit Application(PDF, 298KB)
Applies to any construction, alteration, enlargement, or modification of an accessory dwelling unit.
Appeal of Decisions Application(PDF, 50KB)
Applies to appeals of staff and/or commission decisions.
Artificial Turf Approval Permit(PDF, 34KB)
Applies to approval of the installation of artificial turf (synthetic grass).
Design Review Packet(PDF, 561KB)
Applies to any new construction, exterior modifications to existing structures, building relocations, changes in site features, landscape review, and signs.
Entertainment Permit(PDF, 304KB)
Applies to entertainment venues. To help reduce the adverse health, safety, and welfare effects associated with the operation of entertainment venues in proximity to residential areas and other businesses, the City Council determined that entertainment businesses should be regulated to address potential nuisance activities before they manifest themselves. Ordinance No. 2002-03 is mindful of legal principles associated with entertainment and the provisions were not created nor intended to suppress or infringe upon any expressive activities protected by the First Amendments of the United States and California Constitutions, but instead to regulate their adverse effects.
Environmental Information Form(PDF, 156KB)
To be completed for all applicable projects, as decided by staff, to assist in determining the necessity of an Initial Study. An Initial Study is a preliminary analysis that determines the relative environmental impacts associated with a proposed project as it relates to the parameters of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Land Use Application(PDF, 258KB)
Applies to Conditional Use Permits and amendments, General Plan amendments, Specific Plans, Special Use and Development Permits, variances, Minor Exception Permits, and environmental reviews.
Mills Act Application(PDF, 350KB)
Mills Act contracts are a historic preservation tool used as incentives for property owners to preserve or restore historic properties. Enacted by the State of California, the Mills Act provided a method for calculating property value that can result in a value much lower than the current tax basis and much lower than the current market value. Upon approval of a contract, property taxes (not including special assessments) are based on this lower value. In exchange for the lower assessed value, the property owner agrees to make significant improvements to the property and to preserve elements of the property (exterior and interior) that are determined to be of significance to the community. The Mills Act gives cities the flexibility to deal with historic structures on a case-by-case basis and to choose which historic property contracts to approve or not approve based on the City's own evaluation factors. The City has processed 15 Mills Act applications since 2001, when the program was implemented. Annual tax savings for these types of properties can be significant, ranging to upwards of 50% to 70%. For a current listing of Mills Act properties in Claremont, including annual tax savings, please contact the Community Development Department at (909) 399-5321.
Mills Act Annual Report Form(PDF, 276KB)
Mills Act contracts are a historic preservation tool used as incentives for property owners to preserve or restore historic properties. Completion of this form is part of your Mills Act contract agreement. Mills Act contracts within the initial ten years of the contract are required to submit this report annually to the City. Contracts that have fulfilled their ten-year work plan and have reported annually will be required to submit this form every five years. For questions regarding the Mills Act compliance process, please contact the Planning Division at (909) 399-5470.
Mobile Food Vendor Permit(PDF, 31KB)
Applies to mobile food vendors, or "food trucks," vending within the City.
Register of Structures of Historical & Architectural Merit(PDF, 736KB)
The Register of Structures of Historical & Architectural Merit of the City of Claremont (Register) is the City's official list of designated historic resources. The City of Claremont contains many structures, sites, and areas that reflect the City's growth and the social, cultural, and historic heritage of the City, and contribute to the City's image, unique character, and sense of place. These resources foster civic pride based on recognition of the City's cultural heritage, and give future generations the opportunity to appreciate, understand, and enjoy the City's past. As part of Claremont's historic preservation program, an inventory of historic resources in the City was established in 1977 and used to form the detailed basis for the Register, adopted by the City Council in 1980, and added to in subsequent years. To help protect these resources, the City Council adopted a demolition delay ordinance in 1984, requiring a waiting period before demolition permits are issued for structures listed on the Register. Any person having ownership interest in land may file an application with the Department of Community Development to add to the Register a site or structure which is located on such land.
SB 330 & SB 35 Preliminary Application(PDF, 570KB)
Preliminary Application for housing development projects seeking vesting rights pursuant to SB 330 (Housing Crisis Act of 2019).
Sign Permit Application(PDF, 92KB)
Applies to signs that are within an approved sign program.
Temporary Sign Permit Application(PDF, 164KB)
Applies to new business banners, real estate signs, and construction signs, existing business banners, and A-frame signs.
Temporary Real Estate & Construction Sign Application(PDF, 102KB)
Applies to construction announcement signs and temporary real estate signs.
Special Event Permit Application(PDF, 787KB)
Applies to special events, such as parades, races, runs, and walks on any sidewalk, parkway, median, and/or street.
Special Outdoor Use Permit(PDF, 97KB)
Applies to incidental outdoor displays, outdoor seating, and sidewalk sales in all commercial districts.
Subdivision Application(PDF, 262KB)
Applies to tract maps, parcel maps, parcel map waivers, lot line adjustments, Certificates of Compliance, and voluntary lot mergers.
Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance(PDF, 722KB)
The general purpose of this ordinance is to promote the design, installation, and maintenance of landscaping in a manner that conserves regional water resources by ensuring that landscaping projects are not unduly water-needy and that irrigation systems are appropriately implemented to minimize water waste.
- Guidelines For Implementing Water Efficient Landscaping(PDF, 126KB) - provides procedural and design guidance for project applicants proposing landscape installation or rehabilitation projects that are subject to the requirements of the Claremont Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (CMC Chapter 16.131). They are also intended for use and reference by City staff in reviewing and approving designs and verifying compliance with the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.