
The Engineering Division is responsible for the design, installation, and monitoring of traffic signals, signs, road markings, and other measures to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic on City streets. The Community Services Department maintains roadways and fixes potholes, signage, and removes obstructions in the roadway. 

There are approximately 43 traffic signals maintained under contract by AEGIS ITS. New traffic signals are installed only when an intersection meets State warrants and requirements. Citywide traffic concerns are addressed by the Traffic and Transportation Commission and City Engineering staff. Transportation Impact Analysis submitted with development review applications are also reviewed by the Engineering Division. See TIA Guidelines(PDF, 3MB) & City Resolution(PDF, 183KB) for reference.

Problem Contact
Burned out signal lights, damaged signals, signal timing or car/pedestrian detection Engineering Division
(909) 399-5465
Damaged, graffitied or missing street signs. Potholes and obstructions.

Community Services Department
(909) 399-5431

 Enforcement of speed limits and traffic laws.

 Claremont Police Department

(909) 399-5411

Traffic Enforcement Reporting

Speed Survey

Many local speed limits are based on an official speed survey that is updated every five years:

Policy Documents