Rental Housing
There are several designated affordable rental complexes located in Claremont:
Complex |
Address |
Phone |
Access Village |
1730 N. Towne Avenue |
909-624-1787 |
Claremont Village Commons |
957 W. Arrow Highway |
909-621-2810 |
Courier Place |
111 S. College Avenue |
909-624-8589 |
Vista Valle Townhomes |
670 W. San Jose Avenue |
909-399-5978 |
Additional affordable housing and rental assistance options are available to L.A. County residents through the L.A. County Community Development Commission. For information about those options and how to apply, visit their website or contact them for:
AB 987
View the AB 987 Affordable Housing Database(PDF, 76KB) regarding rental housing in Claremont, provided in accordance with the requirements of AB 987 passed by the California State Legislature. Note that the database is not a listing of currently available housing.
Inclusionary Housing Program
The City of Claremont has adopted an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance that requires developers of residential developments to set aside a percentage of units to provide housing for low to moderate income households.
Tenant Assistance
In April 2024, the City Council approved the following work plan item for the 2024-26 budget cycle:
Continue to explore and promote resources for people experiencing housing instability and/or displacement, including:
- The feasibility of implementing a Claremont Rental Registry and rent stabilization.
- Provide rental assistance/incentives to eligible property owners and tenants through the Claremont Temporary Housing Stabilization and Relocation Program.
- Consider adding self-governing “anti-harassment” language to the City’s Just Cause Eviction Ordinance; and
- Consider funding “dispute resolution” and/or “mediation” services to address landlord/tenant disputes.
The items were presented to the City Council on February 11, 2025. The City Council directed staff to work with the community on the Anti-Harassment Ordinance language. The Council was split on the Rental Registry and the item failed to pass. The Council voted to continue the rent stabilization and relocation program. The Council did not pass funding for mediation services, citing existing services provided through the county of Los Angeles and non-profit organizations. For more information, please contact Deputy City Manager Katie Wand via phone (909) 399-5454 or email
Tenant Assistance