Environmental Quality Act Documents

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the potential significant environmental impacts of a project and suggest methods to minimize or eliminate those impacts, if feasible. When a project is subject to review under CEQA, the City prepares an Initial Study.

"Initial Study" means a preliminary analysis conducted by the City to determine whether an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or a Negative Declaration must be prepared or to identify the significant environmental effects to be analyzed in an EIR.

Below are CEQA-related documents that the City has released for public review. These documents can also be reviewed at the City Hall public counter (207 Harvard Ave.) and at the Claremont Library (208 Harvard Ave.) during regular business hours. Please refer to each Initial Study for applicable review period dates and staff contact information.

For general questions, please contact the Planning Division at (909) 399-5470.

If you are unable to locate a document on this page, please use the Search function provided in the heading throughout this website.

Claremont McKenna College East Campus

Project Description: Revisions to previously approved Conceptual Site Plan for the recreation/athletic fields, sports courts, parking lots, a two-level parking structure, and supporting facilities in an existing 75-acre area (currently occupied by an inactive aggregate mining pit) bounded by Foothill Boulevard, Monte Vista Avenue, Arrow Route, and Claremont Boulevard.

The Claremont Architectural Commission reviewed an amendment request from Claremont McKenna College (CMC) to modify the conceptual plan for the East Campus Sports complex, which is now referred to as the Roberts Campus Sports Bowl. The conceptual plan includes the layout, design, and phasing for the sports fields; a two-level, partially subterranean parking structure; and several support facilities including bleachers, stadium and parking lot lights, fieldhouses, and shade canopies.

The project includes the same basic athletic and parking improvements but has been rearranged and reimagined to create a more integrated design that includes a series of walking trails around the perimeter of the bowl, which will also be landscaped with native plants. The plan also includes a pedestrian tunnel that connects the Sports Bowl to the CMC campus.

2024 EIR Amendment Documents (posted July 16, 2024)

2011-2016 EIR Documents

Environmental Determination: An Environmental Impact Report was certified for the East Campus Project. The City has determined that no additional environmental review is required at this time.

Olson Foothill Project Documents

Project Status - Approved

Project Location: The Project site is located at 1030 West Foothill Boulevard in the City of Claremont, Los Angeles County, California 91711. The Project site is approximately 3.05 acres in size and consists of one parcel identified as Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 8311-001-016. The Project site is bound by Foothill Boulevard to the north and Towne Avenue to the west and is comprised of vacant land, a parking lot, and ruderal vegetation. As such, the Project site is surrounded by commercial, medical office space, and single-family residential land uses.

Project Description: The Olson Foothill Project (proposed Project or Project) would involve the construction of a 56-unit townhome development, including 12 live/work units on a currently vacant 3.05-acre site. The Project site was formally a Marie Callender's restaurant, located at 1030 West Foothill Boulevard, Claremont, California 91711 near the southeast intersection of Towne Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. The Project would require the approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Architectural Review, and a Mixed-Use Development Plan for implementation. In addition, the Project Applicant is providing affordable units in order to utilize additional density and height incentives under State Density Bonus law.

CEQA Determination: In accordance with CEQA, the City of Claremont has completed an Initial Study to determine whether the Project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Initial Study, which reflects the independent judgment of the City, concludes that the Project will not have a significant effect on the environment. All impacts have been determined to have no impact, less than significant impacts, or less than significant impacts with mitigation incorporated. The City has therefore prepared a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, to be considered by the City Council. Pursuant to Section 15072 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the Project site is not on any of the lists enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the Government Code.

Public Review: The public review and comment period for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is from April 26, 2023 to May 25, 2023 (comment letters must be received by 5:00 pm on May 25, 2023). The Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study will be available for public review at the following locations: City of Claremont Planning Division – 207 Harvard Avenue, California 91711, Claremont Library – 208 North Harvard Avenue, Claremont CA 91711, and at our City website: https://www.ci.claremont.ca.us/government/departments-divisions/planning-division/ceqa-documents.

Public Comments: All comments must be addressed to Nikola Hlady, Senior Planner, City of Claremont Planning Division, 207 Harvard Avenue/PO Box 880, Claremont, California 91711 or via email to nhlady@ci.claremont.ca.us. If you have any questions or would like any additional information, please contact Mr. Hlady at (909) 399-5322 or nhlady@ci.claremont.ca.us.

Public Hearing: The project will require Public Hearings before the City of Claremont Planning Commission and Architectural Commission. The Hearing date will be posted on the City's webpage at https://www.ci.claremont.ca.us/ at least 10 days in advance of the meeting.

La Puerta/Trumark Homes Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Project Status - Approved

This DEIR studies a specific plan proposed by Trumark Homes that includes 56 detached single-family homes, on a vacant 9.58 acre site adjacent to the La Puerta Sports Park. This DEIR does not include environmental studies on the 87 unit Builders Remedy project also submitted by Trumark Homes. This DEIR also does not include a project level environmental study of the 137 unit project described in the recently adopted Housing Element Update.

The proposed project includes the adoption of a General Plan amendment and zone change and approval of a specific plan. Specifically, the Claremont General Plan land use map would be amended to change the land use designation from Public to Residential 6 (residential with a maximum density of 6 units per acre), and the City's zoning map would be amended to change the land use designation from Public to Specific Plan. The Specific Plan would permit development of residential uses consistent with the proposed General Plan designation and includes implementation procedures/mechanisms and development and design standards (e.g., building height and setback, density, lot size, design requirements) under which development of the Project Area would be implemented.

Subsequent approvals required to implement the project applicant's intention to develop the Project Area with residential homes include: a tentative subdivision map, design review of the proposed homes, and compliance with the City's Inclusionary Housing requirement 

Draft EIR

Housing Element Draft Environmental Review Documents

Project Status - Approved

Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Housing Element Update
The City of Claremont is the Lead Agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) addressing the Housing Element Update and associated update of the Safety Element of the General Plan. This Notice of Availability (NOA) has been prepared and distributed to provide an opportunity for responsible and trustee agencies and interested parties to submit comments related to the DEIR, relative to the attached project summary. Agencies should comment on such information as it relates to their statutory responsibilities in connection with the Housing Element Update. The City has also prepared an Initial Study for the Housing Element Update EIR. This NOA is being circulated pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21153(a) and CEQA Guidelines Section15082 and the DEIR is available for review along with the NOP on the City's website: https://www.ci.claremont.ca.us/living/draft-housing-element. A printed copy will be available at City offices upon request.

Project Name:
City of Claremont Housing Element Update

Project Location:
City of Claremont (citywide) in the County of Los Angeles (see Figure 1 attached).